
  • Free next business day delivery is available on all orders ordered before 4.30pm where the value of the order excluding VAT is £125.00 or above, UK Mainland only. All other UK Mainland only orders will be subject to a £6.00 + VAT delivery charge.
  • No guarantees are given for next day delivery. However, we aim to achieve this where possible.
  • If an item is out of stock we will inform you and give you the option to wait for delivery, choose a replacement product or cancel your order.
  • Claims for damage, non-functionality and mis-shipping must be made in writing within 3 working days of receipt of the goods.
  • Please note, we are always charged a levy by the courier if an area of sea is crossed. For our full list of delivery charges please see the ‘Delivery Charges’ section below.
  • You will be responsible for the goods once delivery is made or delayed by you at delivery.
  • You are required to enter the cardholder’s billing address during checkout. If you wish delivery to an alternative address please untick the ‘Ship to billing address?’ field and enter the alternative delivery address.

Delivery Charges

Delivery toOrder valuesDelivery chargeNotes
UK Mainland£125.00 and aboveFREE
UK MainlandUnder £125.00£6.00 + VAT
Northern IrelandAll£20.00 + VAT
Isle of ManAll£15.00 + VAT
Isle of WightAll£8.00 + VAT
UK Channel IslandsAll£25.00 – £35.00 + VAT(depending on weight)
Scottish IslandsAll£15.00 + VAT
Republic of Ireland / EireAll£20.00 – £100.00 + VAT(depending on weight)